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To our friends and partners in 2024,
Thank you.

Jewish Community Board of Akron


The Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor


Jewish Federation of Arkansas


Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta


Jewish Federation of Atlantic and Cape May Counties


Augusta Jewish Federation


Shalom Austin


The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore


Jewish Federation of Greater Baton Rouge


The Jewish Federation of the Berkshires


The Birmingham Jewish Federation


Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass


Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston Inc


Jewish Federation of Broward County


Buffalo Jewish Federation


Calgary Jewish Federation


Jewish Federation of Central Massachusetts


Jewish Federation of Central New York


Champaign-Urbana Jewish Federation


Charleston Jewish Federation


Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte


Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga


Jewish United Fund Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago


Jewish Federation of Cincinnati


Jewish Federation of Cleveland




Jewish Federation of Columbia




Jewish Federation of Cumberland, Gloucester & Salem Counties


Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas


Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton


Jewish Federation of Delaware


Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines


Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit


Jewish Federation of Durham-Chapel Hill


Jewish Federation of Dutchess County


Jewish Federation of Eastern Connecticut, Inc.


Jewish Federation of Edmonton


Jewish Federation of El Paso and Las Cruces


Jewish Federation of Greater Fairfield County


Flint Jewish Federation


Fort Wayne Jewish Federation


Jewish Federation of Fort Worth & Tarrant County


Jewish Federation of Grand Rapids


Greensboro Jewish Federation


UJA-JCC Greenwich


The Jewish Federation of Florida's Gulf Coast


Hamilton Jewish Federation

Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg


Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford


Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey


Jewish Federation of Greater Houston


Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis


The Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City


Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties


Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley


London Jewish Federation


Jewish Long Beach


The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles


Jewish Federation of Louisville


Jewish Federation of Madison


Jewish Community Partners of Memphis


Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ


Greater Miami Jewish Federation


Mid-Kansas Jewish Federation


Milwaukee Jewish Federation


Minneapolis Jewish Federation


Jewish Community Federation of the Mohawk Valley


Federation CJA


Jewish Federation of Greater Naples


Jewish Federation of Nashville


Jewish Federation of Las Vegas


Jewish Federation of Greater New Bedford


Jewish Federation of New Hampshire


Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven


Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans


UJA-Federation of New York


Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York


Jewish Federation of Northeastern Pennsylvania


Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida


Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey


North Louisiana Jewish Federation


Jewish Federation of Northwest Indiana


Jewish Federation of Ocean County


Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City


The Jewish Federation of Omaha


Jewish Federation of Orange County


Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County New York


Shalom Orlando


Jewish Federation of Ottawa


Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County


Jewish Federation of the Desert


Jewish Federation of Peoria


Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia


Center for Jewish Philanthropy of Greater Phoenix


Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh


Jewish Federation of Greater Portland


The Jewish Federation of Princeton Mercer Bucks


Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities


Jewish Federation Raleigh Cary


Jewish Federation of Reading PA Inc.


The Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island


Jewish Community Federation of Richmond


Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester


Jewish Federation of Greater Rockford


Jewish Federation of Rockland County


Jewish Federation of the Greater Sacramento Region


Jewish Federation of San Antonio


Jewish Federation of San Diego County


Jewish Comm Fed of San Francisco, Peninsula, Marin & Sonoma


Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara


The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee


Savannah Jewish Federation


Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle


Jewish Silicon Valley


Jewish Federation of Sioux City


Jewish Philanthropies of Southern Arizona


Jewish Fed of Southern Illinois, SE Missouri & W Kentucky


Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine


Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey


Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County


Jewish Federation of Springfield, Il


United Jewish Federation of Stamford, New Canaan and Darien


Jewish Federation of St Joseph Valley


Jewish Federation of St Louis


St. Paul Jewish Federation


Tampa JCCs & Federation


United Jewish Federation of Tidewater


Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo


UJA Federation of Greater Toronto


Jewish Federation of Tulsa


United Jewish Federation of Utah


Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver


Jewish Federation of Ventura County


United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula, Inc.


Jewish Federation of Volusia & Flagler Counties


The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington


Jewish Federation of West-Central New Jersey


Jewish Federation of Western Connecticut


The Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts


Windsor Jewish Federation


Jewish Federation of Winnipeg


Jewish Community Alliance of Northeastern Pennsylvania


Youngstown Area Jewish Federation

English-Speaking Countries Campaigns

United Israel Appeal Australia

Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA

United Israel Appeal Hong Kong

United Israel Appeal Singapore

Keren Hayesod Taiwan

Keren Hayesod United Israel Appeal UK

European Region Campaigns

Keren Hajessod – Vereinigte


Aktion Fuer Israel, Austria

Keren Hayessod Belgium

Israelinsamilngen Denmark

Keren Hayesod Finland

Keren Hayessod - Appel


Unifié pour Israël, France

Keren Hayesod – Vereinigte Israel Aktion e. V., Germany

Keren Hayesod Hungary

Keren Hayesod – Appello Unificato per Israele, Italy

Israel Actie, The Netherlands

Keren Hajessod Schweiz – Vereinigte Israel Aktion e. V., Zurich

Keren Hayessod Action Israël – Suisse Romande

Förenade Israelinsamlingen Sweden

Eastern Region Campaigns

Israel United Appeal-UCF
South Africa

Keren Hayesod Athens

Keren Hayesod CIS

Keren Hayesod Estonia

Keren Hayesod Latvia

Keren Hayesod Thessaloniki

Keren Hayesod Ukraine

East - Other Europe

Latin American Region Campaigns

Campaña Unida Judeo Argentina

Keren Hayesod Bolivia


Fundo Comunitário Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Fundo Comunitário São Paulo, Brasil

Keren Hayesod Chile

Keren Hayesod Costa Rica

Keren Hayesod Colombia

Fundo Comunitario Curitiba

Keren Hayesod Ecuador

Keren Hayesod Guatemala

Keren Hayesod México

Fundación de Beneficencia y Cultural KH


Keren Hayesod Paraguay

Keren Hayesod Perú

Fundo Comunitario Porto Alegre

Keren Hayesod Punta del Este

FundaciónKeren Hayesod Uruguay

C.U.E. Venezuela

Latin America, Spain and Portugal


The following visionaries have made a legacy commitment to support the vital work of The Jewish Agency for Israel in perpetuity through an endowment, estate plan or letter of intent.

Bennett L. & Carol Aaron 


Diana Anderson


Joan Benstock


Margot Benstock 


Debbie Berman


Richard & Barbara Bernstein


Herschel Blumberg


Gary Cohn 


Jacques & Anna Denisse Cukiercorn


Judith Diamond & Dennis Hendrickson


Arthur & Henya Drescher


Shoshana Dweck


Bernice Einsidler


Daniel Elbaum


Jared Falek


Jane Fantel

Deborah Fink


Martine Fleishman

Sheldon Fossaner

Alex Grass 

Philip & Aviva Wolff Greenland 

Eugene & Reva Heller 

Henry & Wendy Kaplowitz 

Lili Kaufmann 

Michael Kiken 

Julee Landau

Mark & Stacey Levy 

Norman Lipoff

Ilene Miller

Eve Nachman

Isabelle Nadler

Julie Wise Oreck 

Estate of Helen Orvaschel 

Karen Pack 

Richard Pearlstone 

Myra Reinhard 

Diane Roth

Joshua Rubenstein

Georgine Sachs Salom 

Lisa Shaw

Jane F. & Larry D. Sherman 

Michael & Anita Siegel

Alan Shulman 

Carole A. Solomon 

Inge Spiegel 

David & Beverly Stein

David & Robert Weiner

Estate of Alan Wolkower

Jaqueline Sprinces Wong


The Jewish Agency has many friends who work with us to change the face of philanthropy in Israel. Our main partner in this Effort, Spirit of Israel, was founded by The Jewish Agency and Keren Hayesod/UIA in 1997.


Donors to the Spirit of Israel campaign continue to make an extraordinary impact on Israeli society.

The following Israeli individuals and business partners have demonstrated outstanding support and volunteerism over time

A.Y. Electronics Ltd


Admitec LTD


Altshuler Shaham Finance Ltd


Amdocs Ltd


Arital Holdings LTD


Bank Hapoalim


Big Shopping center


Clal Insurance Company Ltd


Comsecure Ltd


Derech Eretz - Highway 6



IBI Capital Ltd


Insurance Agency (2009) LTD


Isaiah Gol


Mafil Ltd.


Manmon Foundation


Matitiahu Shem Tov


Mayer Ramot General


Morris & Sylvia Trachten Family


Moshe Atias


Orenstein Foundation



Qumra Capital Management LTD


Richard Perle


Ruthi and Nadav Sonenberg


Shibolet & Co.






The Shashua Family Foundation




Variety Israel


Yael Software


Yler Beat (2010) Ltd


Yoel Kositsky


Z.M.H. Hammerman Group


United Israel Appeal, a subsidiary of The Jewish Federations of North America allocates and oversees the funds distributed to The Jewish Agency from The Jewish Federations Annual Campaign. 

For five decades, United Israel Appeal has been the recipient of a U.S. Government grant, which is sub-granted to The Jewish Agency,  to  bring humanitarian migrants from distressed countries to Israel. A considerable portion of the funds is used to bring Ethiopian Jews and humanitarian migrants from the FSU to Israel and to settle them in temporary housing. The grant was initiated by Congress during the early 1970s in response to the first large influx of Soviet Jews to Israel. The State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration supervises grant programs. Key members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have provided the leadership to assure continued support. Over the years, members of Congress have recognized the continuing responsibility to help bring Jews to Israel from distressed countries based on the principle that free emigration is a hallmark of a democratic society, and therefore a priority of the U.S. Congress. They look upon this grant as a concrete expression of these values.


Chairmen’s Council ($500,000 and over)

Adar Sanhedria Ltd.


Adelson Family Foundation 


Alexander Grass Foundation


Bank Leumi LeIsrael 


Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot 


Board of Jewish Education, Inc. 


Breakthrough Prize Foundation


Brothers and Sisters for Israel




Crown Family  


CVI: Christians for Israel 

The Diane and Guilford Glazer Foundation


Felician Strijewski UIA 


FIBI- First International Bank of Israel 


Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF)


Gratitude America LTD 


ICEJ: International Christian Embassy Jerusalem


International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ)


Israel Discount Bank 


Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation


KKL-JNF Keren Kayemet LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund 


Koum Family Foundation


Maimonides Fund 


Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation Inc.


Mercantile Discount Bank 


Mifal HaPais


One New Man Family


Ravdim (Properties) Ltd. - Bank Hapoalim


Ressler/Gertz Family Foundation


Sol Goldman


The Azrieli Foundation – Israel


The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)


The Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation  


The Goldrich Family Foundation


The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation


The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust


The One8 Foundation


The Patrick and Lina Drahi Foundation 


The Zeff Kesher Family Foundations: Diana Zeff Anderson, Ron Zeff and Dana & Julie Zeff


Wilf Family Foundations



Ben Gurion International Leadership Council ($50,000 and over)


Adam Shapiro 


Adnim Foundation


Adopt a Family Foundation 


Alan and Diane Franco


Alex Brand Estates Fund 


Alissandra Aronow and JR Rakolta


Axel and  Galia Meiri Stawski 


Bank Massad 


Bank Yahav 


Belz Family Foundation


Ben Gurion University of the Negev


Beth Kieffer Leonard and Todd Leonard


Betsy Gidwitz 


BH Trust 


Blank Family Foundation 


Blavatnik Family Foundation 


Bridge for Aliyah




Charles Thorn 


Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany Supported by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future and by the German Federal Ministry of Finance


CSI: Christians for Israel Germany


Cyma and Ed Satell


David and Inez Myers Foundation, a supporting foundation of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland

David and Laura Merage Foundation 


David and Sarena Koschitzky


Diane and Kenneth Feinberg


Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Awards 


Dr. Kenneth and Kenda Singer


Ebenezer Operation Exodus


Estate of Deborah Ann Fink 


European Commission 


Follow Your Dream Foundation


Ford Foundation 


Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry 


Gary L. and Cari Gross


George & Adele Klein Family Foundation


Gerd and Herbert Tingstens Fund for Youth Aliyah


Gladys and Irving Coopersmith Charitable Trust 


Hapoel HaMizrachi 


Helen and Michael Abeles


Iranian American Jewish Federation of New York



Jacob Garber Endowment Fund 


Jane and Daniel Och Family Foundation


Jane and Larry Sherman


Janet Burros Memorial Foundation 


Jewish Communal Fund Special Gifts Fund 


Josephine Cohen Charitable Foundation


Keren Pincus 


Laurence and Carolyn Tisdale


Lemsky Endowment Fund of the Memphis Jewish Federation


Leon Ninburg Fund 


Leon Wagner


Lori and Robert N. Goodman

Lubin Green Foundation of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis Federation


Maranatha Chapel 


Marcy Gringlas and Joel Greenberg, Seed the Dream Foundation


Margaret and Daniel Loeb Foundation 


Mati Kiryat Gat 


Melvin Cohen Foundation


Migdal Insurance Company Ltd


Miriam Kaitz Israel Designated Fund


Morris (z”l) and Sylvia (z”l) Trachten Family Foundation: Vicki Trachten Schwartz, Roberta Trachten Zeve, David Trachten, Gary Trachten


Mosaic United Ltd 


Nathan and Lily Silver Family Charitable Fund 


Nathan Kirsh Foundation


Noble Energy 


Nord Family Foundation


Pearlstone Family Fund 


Peter and Shirley Helman 


Rita Allen Foundation 


Robert and Roni Lemle Family Foundation


Robert G. Segel and Janice L. Sherman Family Foundation


Rochelle and Harley Gross


Roger Klein & Rachel Coben


Saban Family Foundation


Safra Catz and Gal Tirosh 


Sam Roosth Foundation 


Schleifer Family Foundation 


Shlomo Mandelbaum 


Singer Family Foundation


Stacey and Mark Levy 


Stephen and Elaine Katzman


Swedish Friends of Youth Aliyah

Tali and Boaz Weinstein Foundation


Templeton World Charity Foundation, Inc 


The Brams-Gerson Family Foundation Trust


The Daniel M. Lyons and Bente S. Lyons Endowment Fund


The Eleanor M. & Herbert D. Katz Family Foundation Inc. 


The family of H. Irwin Levy z"l

The Groveman Family Charitable Fund 


The Herbert Bearman Foundation 


The Isadore & Bertha Gudelsky Family Foundation, Inc.


The Kim and Gary Heiman Family Foundation


The Leon Levine Foundation 


The Molly Blank Fund of The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation


The Samuel J. and Mary E. Colef Fund


The Sedley Philanthropic Fund


The Sephardic Foundation on Aging


Anonymous (2)

Additional Friends ($25,000 and over) 


Alvin S. Tilles Testamentary Trust


Barbara F Kasman 


Blitzer Family Charitable Fund-David & Allison Blitzer 


Buncher Foundation 


Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP


Charlotte Crum 


Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP


DJF: Danish Jewish Friendship


Elizabeth S. and Alan L. Shulman z''l


Frank Family Fund-Tena Frank 


Gitta and Saul Kurlat Fund 


Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller Fund


Jeffrey and Linda Solomon Foundation 


Jeffrey Schoenfeld 


Jessica Tuchinsky 


Jill and Alan B Miller 




Kimberly and Perry Shwachman


Latham & Watkins LLP 


Leslie and Gary Katz 


Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund 


Lori and Steven Klinghoffer Philanthropic Fund


MAH Foundation (Harel)


Makuya Center in Jerusalem 


Michael Yehuda Pines 


Ogen Real Estate Ltd.


Orit Tykocinski 


Pamela and Laurence Tarica Foundation


Paul Hastings LLP 


Peninsula Bible Fellowship


Pitzer Family-Christine & Starr Pitzer


Sarosi-Kanter Family Fund 


Shemtob Foundation- Linda and David Barish


Shmulik Topaz 


Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP 


Steven and Karen Pack


Steven and Nancy Roth


Susan and Allyn Kramer 


The Beverly Foundation, Fingerhut Family Foundation, and Ron & Gigi Fingerhut


The Doris and Stanley Tananbaum Foundation


The Genesis Prize Foundation


The Werdiger Family Foundation


Wolfensohn Family Foundation

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